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Building values-based innovation cultures for sustainable business impact

Human values of different stakeholders have been recognized to drive and positively affect innovation efforts. However, too little is known how values-based innovation can be facilitated, which barriers emerge and which challenges persist to turn stakeholder values into action. We need to understand how to establish resilient innovation cultures that continuously create economic, social and environmental benefits. The paper introduces the terminology, theoretical foundations and research design of the European IMPACT project to address these research gaps, and discusses implications for teaching and coaching. It introduces a values-based innovation maturity model and present results from an integrative literature analysis. Results include a comprehensive overview of the values, barriers, and good practices and methods to create values-based innovation cultures. Initial insights show how to facilitate the creation of values-based innovation cultures with a positive impact on societal challenges.

Read the full paper HERE.

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© 2023 by IMPACT Project

Project Number: 621672-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2021 - December 2023


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